North America – Stars or Not?
Smart Image Cleanup
Starless images can certainly have an appeal, but they are more demanding. Stars actually helpContinue Reading
The Cigar Galaxy – Undressed
M82, also known as the Cigar Galaxy is the home of a large amount ofContinue Reading
Sadr Comparison – What’s Real?
Which image above is real? the “before” image shows the gas cloud surrounding the brightContinue Reading
Supernova APOD for UDRO
What an honor to have another image chosen as the NASA Astronomy Picture of theContinue Reading
Another APOD for UDRO
I’m honored to have another image chosen for the NASA Astronomy Picture of the DayContinue Reading
The M46 Open Cluster and Planetary Nebula
By Natalie Campbell Messier 46 is a fascinating open cluster located in the constellation Puppis.Continue Reading
M3 Variable Stars Video Time Lapse
Globular cluster M3 is known for its high concentration of variable stars. Since January I’veContinue Reading
Hidden Wonders – The Crescent Nebula
Creating an astro photo is much more of a process than an event. We spendContinue Reading
M81 and M82 in April
By Natalie Campbell Galaxies are some of the most fascinating objects in the universe, andContinue Reading